Strict guidelines for selection, monitoring and treatment of Potential Organ Donors (POD) in Neurosurgical Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are mandatory since patients with Acute Brain Injuries (ABI) are more frequently admitted on these specialized ICUs. We report the guidelines accepted in the Neurosurgical ICU of Treviso City Hospital (TVH) and the results obtained in the last three years (1988-1990). All patients with unfavourable neurological outcome were considered POD if absolute or relative contraindications to organ procurement were absent. They were treated with a multisystemic approach, according to standard protocols, including: ECG monitoring, water and electrolyte balance restoration, pharmacological cardiocirculatory support, prophylaxis and treatment of infections, control of hormonal disturbances. Our data demonstrate an increase of POD from TVH due to the centralization of patients with ABI in the Neurosurgical ICU and show an increase of the rate of POD from Neurosurgical ICU vs General ICU of TVH. The increase of POD in the Neurosurgical ICUs involves medical, legal, organizing and psychological problems, related to this clinical condition. The attention to severe protocols, that must be periodically reviewed, makes more easy the management of POD and ameliorates the outcome of these patients.