Pharmacotherapy of poststroke sensorimotor deficits is currently used alone or combined with physiotherapy to promote recovery of mobility problems. This case study examined the effectiveness of donepezil hydrochloride (HCl) administered to a stroke patient with chronic, dense, left sensorimotor deficit. The patient received donepezil HCl (5 mg daily for 4 wk, followed by 10 mg daily for 12 wk) but no physiotherapy. Baseline and posttreatment evaluations were performed with the Fugl-Meyer scale and the Rivermead Mobility Index. One month after starting donepezil HCl (10 mg/day), sensorimotor function improved dramatically in the hemiplegic lower limb and shoulder. It was concluded that donepezil HCl may be an effective treatment for improving sensorimotor function in chronic stroke patients. Randomized controlled trials are required to support these preliminary findings.