In order to observe the antigenic localization in the tissues of Metagonimus yokogawai in growth stages, immunogoldlabeling method was applied to using serum of the cat which infected with isolated metacercariae from Plecoglossus altivelis. The sectioned worm tissues from each growth stages were embedded in Lowicryl HM 20 medium, stained with infected serum IgG and protein A gold complex (particle size: 12 nm) and observed by electron microscopy. In the worm tissues of all experimental groups, the gold particles were specifically concentrated on the tegumental syncytium and cytoplasm of the tegumental cell as well as the secretory granules in the parenchymal tissue. In the 16th and 20th week grown worm tissues, the gold particles were specifically concentrated on the vesicles in the tegumental syncytium and cytoplasm of the tegumental cell. The gold particles were specifically concentrated on the caecal epithelia of the 4th, 8th and 12th week growth groups but slightly concentrated on those of the 16th and 20th week.