Functional laryngectomies permit a more or less ideal preservation of laryngeal functions whose recovery, especially in les conservative operations, occurs very slowly and depends on several conditions: post operative course, sensitivity and motility of the hypopharynx, patient's ability to restore swallowing mechanisms. The Authors relate their experience concerning use of a rehabilitative program partially based on the experiences of some French logopedic schools and partially original. They illustrate the steps and goals of this program which starts on the fifth post-operative day with respiration exercises immediately followed by eight days of exercises to re-establish arytenoid mobilization and swallowing movements. If deglutition is not completely recovered and important inhalation problems persist, the logopedic approach is integrated with surgical rehabilitation consisting of one or more injection of gax-collagen. It is possible to use the same surgical technique later, after hospital discharge, if a slight dysphagia is still present in spite of continuous logopedic rehabilitation. Voice restoration exercises are introduced in the last days of the hospital stay when the patient is tube-free and continues at the office or outpatient clinic for two or three times every week. Concerning removal priority (tracheotomy tube followed by nasogastric tube or vice versa), we propose a diversified strategy for each patient, depending on the anatomicofunctional postoperative situation. Up to now 25 patients have taken part in this rehabilitation program (14 cricohyoidopexy, 6 Cricohyoidoepiglottopexy, 5 supraglottic laryngectomies). The results with regard to the amount of time that nasogastric feeding as well as tracheal tube are kept and the length of the hospital stay, were compared to those ones of a similar number of consecutive cases operated at our institution (ENT Department of Modena University) before February 1990 but not rehabilitated. In the early rehabilitated group, we observe a quicker functional recovery with a shorter hospital stay (about a week).