The authors report 3 cases of ilio-ureteric fistulae following aorto-iliac reconstructive surgery. They also review 6 similar cases published in the worldwide literature. All of these cases have in common the appearance of a uretero-arterial fistula several years after the vascular operation on the iliac artery. The postoperative course of iliac thromboendarterectomy appears to be principally responsible, as in the 3 cases presented here, resulting in a pseudoaneurysm over the arteriotomy closure, especially as a patch angioplasty had been performed. This complication is exceptional. The diagnosis must be suspected in the case of profuse haematuria and a suggestive history and should be confirmed, when possible, by intravenous urography, retrograde ureteropyelography, arteriography, or even computed tomography. Treatment is complex and consists of a vascular and urological procedure depending on the degree of urgency and the possibilities of reconstruction.