Visual functions and nutrition metabolic characteristics were studied in 8 subjects (16 eyes) with tobacco-toxic optic neuropathy (TTON). Their visual functions tested by psychophysical and electrophysiologic methods showed that 1: 1. central vision diminished in 16 eyes, 2. dyschromatopsias were found in 14 tested eyes, 3. bilateral symmetrical central or cecocentral scotomas were the visual field characteristics in all cases, 4. PVEP were severe abnormal in 3 spatial frequencies in all cases and 56.3% of 15' checkboard PVEP showed flat responses, which indicated the impairment of optic nerve dominated by the central field. However, the preserved visual responses could be obtained by FVEP test in 14 tested eyes even though their visual acuity were between the range of 0.02-0.2 and flat PVEP responses. The II and III wave latencies of primary stage were more prolonged than those of control group (P < 0.01), which further indicated the preferential demyelination corresponding to the papillomacular bundles, 5. ERG showed slightly attenuated amplitudes in 5 of 8 tested eyes, which indicated the secondary and mild retinal lesion. On the other hand, TTON occurred on a background of long-term, heavy smoking, drinking, emaciation and malnutrition bodies with low serum zinc level.