Five non-isotopically labeled oligonucleotides have been designed and synthesized to facilitate the analysis of specific human and murine repetitive DNA sequences by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Three of the oligonucleotides contain alphoid DNA sequences; one hybridizes to the centromeres of all human and mouse chromosomes except the Y, while the other two are specific for human chromosomes 2 and 12, respectively. The fourth oligomer, containing sequences from the spacer region of a human 5S rDNA repeat, was used to confirm the map location of a approximately 100 copy 5S rDNA tandem repeat locus. The fifth oligomer, specific to the Alu family of repeats, generates a sharp R-banding pattern on human metaphase chromosomes, suitable for FISH karyotyping. These probes permit highly specific chromosome enumeration and aneuploidy detection with hybridization times as short as 30 minutes.