The subcellular distribution of influenza polymerase PA subunit has been studied using a SV40-recombinant virus (SVPA76), which allows the expression and accumulation of this protein in COS-1 cells. In contrast to the complete nuclear localization observed for the PA subunit several hours after influenza virus infection, when COS-1 cells were infected with the SVPA76 recombinant, the PA protein accumulated either in the nucleus, in the cytoplasm or was distributed throughout the cell. When cells were infected with the SVPA76 recombinant and superinfected with influenza virus, a clear increase in the proportion of cells showing nuclear localization of the PA protein was observed, suggesting that some trans-factor may be required to allow complete nuclear accumulation of the protein. Double infections using SVPA76 recombinant and either SVPB1 or SVNS recombinant viruses showed a complete correlation between expression of polymerase PB1 subunit or NS1 protein and nuclear localization of polymerase PA subunit. However, no such correlation was observed in the double infections of SVPA76 and SVNP recombinants. These results suggest that polymerase PB1 subunit and the non-structural proteins could be involved in the nuclear targeting or nuclear retention of influenza polymerase PA protein.