Ferritin receptors are present on the membranes of many normal and malignant cells. The binding specificity of these receptors for H and L subunits was examined using recombinant human ferritin homopolymers. At least two different types of ferritin receptors were found, one derived from normal rat, pig, and human liver which shows similar binding of H- and L-ferritin. The second receptor type, specific for the H-chain ferritin, has been identified on membranes of hepatic and other transformed cells, and of normal lymphoblasts and erythroid precursors. These two receptor types may have different metabolic functions: the hepatic receptor acting as a scavenger for circulating ferritin and possibly for iron exchange between hepatocytes and macrophages; the H-ferritin receptor having a regulatory role which is not directly related to iron metabolism. The expression of the H-ferritin receptor is closely related to the activation and proliferation state of the cells. Addition of H-ferritin to the culture medium of cells expressing the H-ferritin receptor resulted in inhibition of cell proliferation and of colony formation.