Clinical and hystological features of IgA nephropathy were evaluated in 17 children (age range 6 to 14 years). Hematuria was present in all patients (macroscopic hematuria in 10 patients, microscopic hematuria in 7). Mild to moderate proteinuria was present in 10, nephrotic syndrome in two cases. The majority of renal biopsy showed normal picture of mild mesangial proliferation, with crescents in only one patient. Transient impairment of renal function developed in two patients. One of patients progressed to chronic renal failure. Four patients were treated (two with persistent proteinuria, one with nephrotic syndrome, one with nephritic syndrome). Corticosteroid treatment resulted in aggravation of proteinuria in two patients with persistent proteinuria. Patient with nephrotic syndrome demonstrated only diminution of proteinuria during different treatments: corticosteroids, ciclophosphamid and Ciclosporin A. Ciclophosphamid was beneficial in patient with nephritic syndrome.