To determine the number of drug binding sites that exist on the multidrug transporter, P-glycoprotein, we used azidopine, a dihydropyridine photoaffinity compound that reverses multidrug resistance and labels P-glycoprotein. Azidopine labels P-glycoprotein in two distinct locations: one labeled site is within the amino half of P-glycoprotein between amino acid residues 198 and 440, and the other site is within the carboxy half of the protein. Vinblastine is a cytotoxic drug that is used in cancer chemotherapy and is a substrate for transport by P-glycoprotein. We found that vinblastine inhibits azidopine labeling to approximately the same extent at each labeled site on P-glycoprotein. Because several studies have shown that amino acid residue 185 of P-glycoprotein plays a critical role in some aspects of drug binding and transport, we also studied the effect that amino acid residue 185 has on azidopine labeling. These studies show that azidopine labels both sites equivalently in both wild-type (G185) and mutant (V185) P-glycoproteins. We conclude from our results that the two halves of P-glycoprotein approach each other to form a single binding site for these drugs.