Specimens of the sigmoid colon were obtained from male and female patients (n = 11) with carcinoma of the colon or rectum and studied immunohistochemically for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, somatostatin-, substance P-, neuropeptide Y-, calcitonin gene-related peptide-, met- and leu-enkephalin-, 5-hydroxytryptamine-, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase-containing nerves. In the subdivisions of the submucous plexus (namely, Schabadasch's, Meissner's, and the intermediate plexuses), substance P- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive nerve fibers were the most numerous, and equal densities of these nerves were found in all three layers. In contrast, few neuropeptide Y-, met-enkephalin-, leu-enkephalin-, calcitonin gene-related peptide-, somatostatin-, 5-hydroxytryptamine-, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase-immunoreactive nerves were found in these regions. The nerve cell bodies of the submucous plexus contained vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, leu-enkephalin, somatostatin, and 5-hydroxytryptamine but not neuropeptide Y, met-enkephalin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing nerve cell bodies were found in all three subdivisions. Substance P-, leu-enkephalin-, and somatostatin-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in Schabadasch's plexus and the intermediate region of the submucous plexus, but they were absent from Meissner's plexus; 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing nerve cell bodies were only observed in Schabadasch's plexus. The possible function of the neuropeptide-, dopamine beta-hydroxylase-, and 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing neurons in the different layers of the submucous plexus is discussed.