Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal that the base H8/H6 protons of oligoribonucleotides (RNA) have T1 relaxation times that are distinctly longer than those of oligodeoxyribonucleotides (DNA). Similarly, the T1 values for the RNA H1' protons are approximately twice those of the corresponding DNA H1' protons. These relaxation differences persist in single duplexes containing covalently linked RNA and DNA segments and cause serious overestimation of distances involving RNA protons in typical NOESY spectra collected with a duty cycle of 2-3 s. NMR and circular dichroism experiments indicate that the segments of RNA maintain their A-form geometry even in the interior of DNA-RNA-DNA chimeric duplexes, suggesting that the relaxation times are correlated with the type of helix topology. The difference in local proton density is the major cause of the longer nonselective T1s of RNA compared to DNA, although small differences in internal motion cannot be completely ruled out. Fortunately, any internal motion differences that might exist are shown to be too small to affect cross-relaxation rates, and therefore reliable distance data can be obtained from time-dependent NOESY data sets provided an adequately long relaxation delay is used. In hybrid or chimeric RNA-DNA duplexes, if the longer RNA relaxation times are not taken into account in the recycle delay of NOESY pulse sequences, serious errors in measuring RNA proton distances are introduced.