We studied 684 sera obtained from 20 hemophilia patients with AIDS/AIDS-related complex (ARC), 89 asymptomatic HIV+, 76 HIV- hemophilia patients and 151 healthy controls for antibodies against recombinant CD4 (rCD4). Twenty-two percent of AIDS/ARC patients, 10% of asymptomatic HIV+ patients, 17% of HIV-patients, and 1% of healthy controls had anti-rCD4 antibodies. Purified anti-rCD4 antibodies did not react with human CD4+ lymphocytes. This may explain why formation of anti-rCD4 antibodies correlated neither with the occurrence of autoantibodies against CD4+ lymphocytes nor with a decrease in CD4+ cell counts. Antibodies that were eluted from CD4+ lymphocytes after sequential adsorption and elution with separated CD8+ and CD4+ cells reacted with CD4+ lymphocytes of only some healthy individuals, suggesting diversity of CD4 expression.