A 56-year-old Japanese man with an advanced squamous cell carcinoma in the middle oesophagus was treated with a combination of hyperthermia, intravenous infusion of cisplatin (CDDP) and oral administration of oily bleomycin(BLM)-polyacrylate paste. After performing six sessions of hyperthermia treatment conducted at 42-45 degrees C for 30 min with 150 mg of CDDP and 180 mg of BLM, a subtotal oesophagectomy and lymph node dissection were performed. A histopathological study of the resected specimen showed no residual viable cancer cells either in the oesophagus or in the dissected lymph nodes. There were no side effects or perioperative complications and the patient is now healthy and leading a normal life 10 months after operation without undergoing any further treatment, at the time of writing. The effect of small amounts of CDDP and the oral application of oily BLM were thought to be strongly enhanced by hyperthermia in the treatment of oesophageal squamous carcinoma, and this regimen is therefore recommended as a safe and effective strategy, especially for preoperative treatment.