A new strategy is used for studying the internal motions of proteins based on measurements of NMR relaxation parameters. The strategy yields values of the so-called spectral density functions J(omega) for N-H bond vectors. The spectral density functions are related to the distribution of frequencies contained in the rotational (overall and internal) motions of these NH bond vectors. No a priori model assumptions about the dynamics are required in this approach. The method involves measurements of six relaxation parameters consisting of 15N longitudinal relaxation rates, transverse relaxation rates of in-phase and antiphase coherence, the relaxation rates of heteronuclear 1H-15N two-spin order, the heteronuclear 1H-15N nuclear Overhauser effects, and longitudinal relaxation rates of the amide protons. The values of the spectral density functions at the five frequencies 0, omega N, omega H + omega N, omega H, and omega H - omega N are determined from the relaxation parameters using analytical relations derived previously [Peng & Wagner (1992) J. Magn. Reson. 98, 308-332]. Here, the method is applied to characterize the backbone dynamics of the 15N-enriched proteinase inhibitor eglin c, a protein of 70 residues. The values for J(0) and J(omega N = 50 MHz) vary significantly with the amino acid sequence, whereas the spectral densities at higher frequencies, J(450 MHz), J(500 MHz), and J(550 MHz), are typically much smaller and show no significant variation with the sequence. The collective behavior of the J(omega) values indicate greater internal motion for the proteinase binding loop residues and the first eight N-terminal residues. The additional internal motion in these regions is in the rate range below 450 MHz. The values of J(omega) are also compared with root mean square deviations (rmsds) of backbone atoms as obtained in NMR structure determinations. Low values of J(0) and J(omega N) are correlated with high rmsds. Spectral densities at higher frequencies, J(450 MHz), J(500 MHz), and J(550 MHz), are small and show no correlation with rmsds. A comparison with the spectral density functions obtained by fitting the experimental data to the functional dependence of the Lipari and Szabo formalism [Lipari & Szabo (1982a) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104, 4546-4559] is made.