Serratia marcescens exists in two cell forms and displays two kinds of motility depending on the type of growth surface encountered (L. Alberti and R. M. Harshey, J. Bacteriol. 172:4322-4328, 1990). In liquid medium, the bacteria are short rods with few flagella and show classical swimming behavior. Upon growth on a solid surface (0.7 to 0.85% agar), they differentiate into elongated, multinucleate, copiously flagellated forms that swarm over the agar surface. The flagella of swimmer and swarmer cells are composed of the same flagellin protein. We show in this study that disruption of hag, the gene encoding flagellin, abolishes both swimming and swarming motility. We have used transposon mini-Mu lac kan to isolate mutants of S. marcescens defective in both kinds of motility. Of the 155 mutants obtained, all Fla- mutants (lacking flagella) and Mot- mutants (paralyzed flagella) were defective for both swimming and swarming, as expected. All Che- mutants (chemotaxis defective) were also defective for swarming, suggesting that an intact chemotaxis system is essential for swarming. About one-third of the mutants were specifically affected only in swarming. Of this class, a large majority showed active "swarming motility" when viewed through the microscope (analogous to the active "swimming motility" of Che- mutants) but failed to show significant movement away from the site of initial inoculation on a macroscopic scale. These results suggest that bacteria swarming on a solid surface require many genes in addition to those required for chemotaxis and flagellar function, which extend the swarming movement outward. We also show in this study that nonflagellate S. marcescens is capable of spreading rapidly on low-agar media.