Premature infants have higher circulating concentrations of growth hormone (GH) than term infants. Previous investigations of these differences have used sampling frequencies of every 30 min with subsequent application of pulse detection algorithms, such as the CLUSTER program, to assess serum GH pulse parameters. To determine differences in GH secretory rates or GH t1/2 values between premature and term infants, we have sampled 11 neonates at 15-min intervals. We performed deconvolution analysis of the resultant plasma GH values to estimate GH secretory and clearance parameters. Five premature infants (gestational age range 24-34 wk) and six term infants (gestational age range 38-42 wk) were sampled every 15 min for 6 h. All subjects had indwelling arterial catheters. GH was measured (in duplicate) by RIA using 10 microL of plasma. Premature infants had higher secretory burst amplitudes (2.2 +/- 0.13 micrograms/L/min versus 1.4 +/- 0.27 micrograms/L/min, p = 0.02), higher production rates (product of the total number of bursts and the mean mass of GH secreted per burst, 811 +/- 173 micrograms/L/6 h versus 283 +/- 77 micrograms/L/6 h, p = 0.03), and a higher mass of GH per secretory burst (106 +/- 25 micrograms/L versus 38 +/- 11 micrograms/L, p = 0.049) than term infants. The integrated plasma GH concentration exhibited a strong trend toward a higher value in the premature infants (18,100 +/- 800 micrograms/L versus 10,200 +/- 2,700 micrograms/L, p = 0.067).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)