Characteristic features of a migratory process of tuberculosis patients in the Republic of Moldova were subjected to study. Two tendencies have been revealed: growth of a number of the arriving subjects and deterioration of the structure of pulmonary tuberculosis among them. Patients who arrived from the places of confinement where morbidity persists on a high level constitute a particular hazard concerning tuberculosis dissemination. Certain organization measures have been taken. The epidemiologic situation for tuberculosis in the penitentiary-labour establishments at the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs was subjected to a comprehensive analysis with subsequent discussion of the results at a meeting of the staff of the Ministry of Public Health; instruction and plan of measures to be taken have been compiled by both ministries; a permanent board has been instituted for rendering help to medical workers of the penitentiary establishments; all law-protective organs have been involved in tuberculosis control; a specialized institution has been set up with a hospital for 200 beds intended for skilled examination and treatment of patients. As a result, the index of tuberculosis morbidity in the republican penitentiary-labour establishments reduced by more than half to promote an improvement of the epidemiologic situation in the republic.