Male impotence is a relatively frequency disease. To define the correct aetiology of this disorder is important to plan a right diagnosis to difference organic, psychological and psycho-organic causes. From June 90 to June 91 fifty-four patients with male impotence of different degree were observed and went through diagnostic investigations. The patients were classified in four groups (A, B, C, D) as clinical results of the pharmacological test (intracavernous injection of PGE1 alpha 15 micrograms). A and B groups showed normal and nearly normal hemogenic finding. C group showed either low arterial flow increase after FIC or venous leakage. D group showed very low haemodynamic increase. The analysis of Eco-doppler studies was performed 5'-10'-20' after intracavernous injection of PGE1 alpha obtaining three haemodynamic markers: the systolic top flow (Vs) the diastolic ending flow (Vd) resistance flow index. The Authors discuss the results obtained considering the Eco-color-doppler the most important stage in the haemodynamic evaluation of sexual impotence.