In regions where malaria is endemism, the disease is a recognised cause of complications of pregnancy such as spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, intrauterine growth retardation and foetal death. Malaria is seldom seen in pregnant women in Denmark but, during the past two years, the authors have treated four patients in the University Hospital in Copenhagen. These pregnancies were all successful but two of the mothers required emergency Caesarean section on account of threatening intrauterine asphyxia. The patients came relatively late for treatment which may be because not only the patients but also their practitioners were unaware that malaria can occur several years after exposure. Three out of the four patients had employed malaria prophylaxis. As resistance to malarial prophylactics in current use is increasing steadily, chemoprophylaxis should be supplemented by mechanical protection against malaria and insect repellents. As a rule, malaria is treated with chloroquine. In cases of Falciparum malaria in whom chloroquine resistance is suspected, treatment with mefloquine may be employed although this should only be employed in cases of dire necessity in pregnant patients during the first trimester. Severe cases should be treated with infusion of quinine. During pregnancy, benign malaria may run a violent course and pregnant women with malaria should be monitored in maternity departments and should be treated in cooperation with specialists in tropical medicine.