To investigate the role of calpains in myofibrillar protein degradation in skeletal muscle and the regulation of their activity in vivo, we studied the effects of fasting on gene expression of calpains and calpastatin in the skeletal muscle of rabbits. In response to fasting, myofibrillar protein degradation increased 2-fold and mRNA levels of calpain I, calpain II and calpastatin were also increased. However, calpain and calpastatin activities remained unchanged. To investigate this discrepancy, we analysed polysomal calpain mRNA. Results indicated that fasting caused a 2-fold increase in the loading of calpain I and II mRNAs on ribosomes. Thus transcription of genes encoding calpain may be increased during fasting to ensure adequate synthesis of the proteinases needed to mobilize muscle protein reserves. The effect of fasting on calpain and calpastatin mRNA expression is shared by cathepsin D and proteasome C2 but not by beta-actin, implying that fasting invokes control of several proteolytic systems in skeletal muscle and underscores the possibility that each proteolytic system plays a role in the adaptation of skeletal muscle to the fasted state.