The effects of adding oxytocin (OT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) on progesterone and estradiol-17 beta secretion by bovine granulosa cells in culture were studied. The influence of these steroids on OT and AVP release was also evaluated. OT (1, 10, 100 or 1000 mIU/ml) stimulates both progesterone and estradiol output. Small doses (10 pM/ml) of exogenous progesterone or estradiol stimulated a surge in OT, while the intermediate doses (100 or 1000 pM/ml) had no influence, and large doses (10,000 pM/ml) inhibited OT secretion by granulosa cells. Thus, a potential regulatory loop between OT and steroid hormone release by granulosa cells was demonstrated. Stimulation of a surge in steroids by OT, activation of OT release by small doses of steroids and inhibition of OT secretion by excess steroids may suggest the existence of a feedback mechanism regulating these hormones production. Addition of AVP (1, 10, 100 or 1000 pM/ml) inhibited progesterone and stimulated a surge in estradiol, while steroid hormones did not induce AVP release. These data suggest the regulation of ovarian steroidogenesis by AVP, feedback influences are less likely.