PTCA performed in 672 patients (646 patients < 65 years and 26 patients > or = 65 years) from March 1986 to September 1990 consisting of 619 males and 53 females are being discussed for the purpose of comparison of the results between patients in the < 65 years and > or = 65 years age groups. It was found that diabetes mellitus (50 vs 24.4.%, P < 0.01), obesity (46.1 vs 26%, P < 0.05), and hyperlipidaemia (66 vs 37.1%, p < 0.01) had a higher incidence among the elderly. Of the total 1047 lesions observed, 662 lesions in the < 65 years age group and 37 lesions in the > or = 65 years age group were dilated by PTCA (1.02 lesions/patient and 1.4 lesions/patient respectively). The lesion morphology showed higher degree of irregular contour in the < 65 years age group (23.6 vs 8.1%, p < 0.05), though the number of lesions with PTCA attempted in all age groups were almost similar. Major complications included one MI (3.8%) and two deaths (7.6%) in the > or = 65 years age group. During followup (mean duration: 8.2 months > or = 65 years and 13.5 months < 65 years age group) significantly higher percentage of patients < 65 years were asymptomatic when compared to elderly (50.2 vs 15.4% p < 0.05). Angina status was same more often in the elderly (23.1 vs 2.8% p < 0.01). The cumulative rate for repeat PTCA was similar for elderly and younger patients.