The study was performed on 120 cases, and evaluated the origin, caliber at the origin, course, place of termination and distribution of the inferior suprarenal arteries, together with their point of entry into the glandular parenchyma. Most often, the inferior suprarenal artery originated from the trunk of the renal artery, prior to its terminal division. Other possible origins were: as a terminal branch of the renal artery, from one of the terminal branches of the renal artery (most often from the anterior division and rarely from the posterior one), as a common trunk with the superior polar renal artery, from a supplementary renal artery (more often from the superior and rarely from the inferior one), directly from the aorta, either as an individual branch, as a common trunk with the superior polar renal artery or as a common trunk with the middle suprarenal artery. Rarely the inferior suprarenal artery may originate from the genital artery or, also very rarely, from the celiac trunk, either individually or as a common trunk with the middle suprarenal artery. Usually, the inferior suprarenal arteries originating from the aorta or the renal artery have a larger caliber than those from other arterial sources. Most often, we found two or three arterial branches as inferior suprarenal arteries, so we may speak of inferior suprarenal arteries or an inferior suprarenal arterial pedicle.