This study compared the course of midtrimester termination of pregnancies with fetal demise and those with a viable fetuses by extra-amniotic prostaglandin (PG) E(2). A total of 275 women who underwent second trimester abortion with extra-amniotic PGE2(2) were divided into two groups: 95 patients (35%) with fetal demise and 180 women (65%) with a live fetuses. Extra-amniotic PGE2(2) was administered in doses of 200 micro g every 2 h up to 20 doses. Bumm curettage was performed in the majority of the patients. We compared the duration and complication rate between the groups. The median induction to abortion interval was significantly shorter in the fetal demise group (13 vs. 21 h) than in the live fetus group. Mean gestational ages and complication rates were similar. Midtrimester termination of pregnancy with extra-amniotic PGE2(2) is a safe method with a low complication rate. In cases of pregnancy with fetal demise extra-amniotic PGE2(2) is associated with a significantly shorter induction to abortion interval than with a live fetus.