Hispanics are a growing ethnic minority in the United States and one at significant risk for heart failure. Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is poor in individuals with heart failure, especially during and immediately following hospitalization. No prior research into the HRQL of Hispanics with heart failure was located. A sample of 80 individuals with heart failure, evenly divided by primary language and matched on functional status using the New York Heart Association classification system and age, was studied for 6 months following hospital discharge. Data on HRQL were collected using Spanish and English versions of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire. Scores improved over time in both groups but significantly more so in the Hispanics when compared to the non-Hispanics. Group differences in HRQL could not be explained by demographics, clinical characteristics, treatment received, perceived support, or instrument response characteristics. Further exploration of this naturally occurring phenomenon may provide insight into how HRQL can be improved in the general heart failure population.