The soluble organic matrix (OM) of various biominerals (red coral skeleton, oyster shell, sea urchin test, turbot otolith, chicken eggshell) was extracted after demineralization with acetic acid. The protein content of the OM varies strongly from 0.02 to 1.6 microg/mg biomineral whereas proteoglycans present less variations (from 0.7 to 1.4 microg/mg biomineral). Electrophoresis of biominerals OM shows differences in their protein pattern although several bands are present in all matrices. OM of all biominerals shows carbonic anhydrase activity but no activity was detectable in the endolymph. OM of all biominerals also displays an anticalcifying activity. After separation of the OM extracts by chloroform-methanol, 80% of the anticalcifying activity was found in the methanol phase except in the urchin test. After OM precipitation with trichloracetic acid, 70% of the activities was found in the supernatants. Partial biochemical characterization suggests that the anticalcifying factor is a polyanionic and water-soluble molecule, which could be proteoglycans. The endolymph surrounding the otolith also displays an anticalcifying activity although its inhibitous activity was 50 times lower than that of the otolith OM. However, the anticalcifying activity of the endolymph is assumed by a proteic structure (80% activity precipitated with TCA treatment). Our results suggest that both carbonic anhydrase and anticalcifying activities are widespread and play a significant role in the regulation of biomineral formation. Results are discussed in relation to the calcification process that takes place at the fluid-mineral interface.