In CASP5, the BioInfo.PL group has used the structure prediction Meta Server and the associated newly developed flexible meta-predictor, called 3D-Jury, as the main structure prediction tools. The most important feature of the meta-predictor is a high (86%) correlation between the reported confidence score and the quality of the selected model. The Gene Relational Database (GRDB) was used to confirm the fold recognition results by selecting distant homologues and subsequent structure prediction with the Meta Server. A fragment-splicing procedure was performed as a final processing step with large fragments extracted from selected models using model quality control provided by Verify3D. The comparison of submitted models with the native structure conducted after the CASP meeting showed that the GRDB-supported structure prediction led to a satisfactory template fold selection, whereas the fragment-splicing procedure must be improved in the future.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.