Although type 5 TRACP is recognized as a histochemical and biochemical marker of osteoclasts, there is evidence that bone forming cells, osteoblasts, and osteocytes also express a type 5 TRACP. Accordingly, an osteoblastic type 5 TRACP has been purified from human osteoblasts and from bovine cortical bone matrices. Comparison of biochemical properties of osteoblastic type 5 TRACP with those of osteoclastic type 5 TRACP suggests that osteoblastic type 5 TRACP is a different isoenzyme from osteoclastic type 5 TRACP. Two properties of osteoblastic type 5 TRACP may be relevant to its physiological functions: (1) it acts as a protein-tyrosine phosphatase (protein tyrosine phosphorylation) under physiologically relevant conditions, and (2) it is sensitive to inhibition by clinically relevant concentrations of fluoride. Because fluoride is a stimulator of osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation and a potent osteogenic agent and because protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important regulatory role in cell proliferation and differentiation, these unique properties and other evidence summarized in this review led to the proposal that the osteogenic action of fluoride is mediated, at least in part, by the fluoride-mediated inhibition of osteoblastic type 5 TRACP/protein tyrosine phosphorylation, which leads to a stimulation of osteoblast proliferation and differentiation, and subsequently, an increase in bone formation.