Background: Intestinal infections are highly frequent processes of which solely a part are identified by the epidemiological monitoring systems. This study is aimed at estimating the incidence on the population, by age groups, of the sporadic intestinal infections diagnosed in one healthcare district in Castellón in the year 2000.
Methods: Based on the routine coprocultures, the basic demographic data for each patient was gathered for calculating the diagnosis and hospitalization rates. For children up to five years of age, the per annum rates were calculation for each microorganism.
Results: Campylobacter showed the highest rates (114.5 x 10(5)), followed by rotavirus (94.7) and Salmonella (83.0). Rotavirus is predominant among children under one year of age (3,194 x 10(5)), Campylobacter among those 1-4 year-olds, with a maximum of 3,850 x 10(5) among one-year olds, while Salmonella was predominant among all ages starting as of 5 years of age. The rates for cases hospitalized showed a different pattern, rotavirus ranking first (34.9 x 10(5)), Salmonella (21.7 x 10(5)) and Campylobacter (9.9 x 10(5)). With the exception of Salmonella, there were no outbreaks during the period under study. The predominance of Campylobacter was observed at the expense of the cases among children within the 1-4 age range who were not hospitalized.
Conclusions: Up to 4 years of age, the distribution of the germs causing these infections differs every year. A knowledge of the descriptive epidemiology of these infections contributes to the study of the social impact thereof and provides support for delving deeper into some questions that are posed with a view to these diseases and the preventive aspects which can be implemented.