In a Barrett's oesophagus without dysplasia, endoscopic control every 3-5 years is sufficient. If low-grade dysplasia is encountered in the surveillance biopsies, then endoscopy should be repeated within 3-6 months and yearly thereafter if the low-grade dysplasia persists. Antacid medication must be prescribed in cases with extensive inflammation. The endoscopic treatment of patients with high-grade dysplasia and/or early cancer of the mucosa in a Barrett's oesophagus (tissue ablation and/or mucosa resection) seems a promising alternative to surgery in view of the combination of effectiveness, limited invasiveness compared to surgical resection, and the preservation of a functional oesophagus. Data from long-term follow-up are still limited. Strict endoscopic surveillance will probably detect metachronic abnormalities in an early and still curable stage, creating a new opportunity for endoscopic treatment.