Serotonergic pathways have been related to altered personality patterns in seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The short allele (s) of a polymorphism in the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5-HTTLPR) has been associated with neuroticism and anxiety-related personality traits in healthy volunteers. We investigated personality and 5-HTTLPR in female SAD patients using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). TCI was completed by 56 female patients and 76 age-matched female controls. DNA was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction methods. Subjects homozygous for the long allele (l) were compared to s carriers. Females with SAD had higher scores in Harm Avoidance and lower scores in Novelty Seeking, Self-Directedness and Cooperativeness when compared to controls. Patients carrying the s allele had lower Self-Directedness scores. Our data indicate that females with SAD show altered personality traits. The s allele was associated with lower Self-Directedness scores in SAD patients, whereas there were no significant differences in TCI dimensions between patients and controls in carriers of the long allele.