We report two rare cases of acute pulmonary complication after transarterial chemoembolisation for inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma. Both cases involved a large tumour and hepatic vein invasion. The first patient, a 27-year-old man, died of pulmonary tumour embolism 4 days after transarterial chemoembolisation. Acute dyspnoea developed in the second patient, a 63-year-old man, following the procedure due to pulmonary oil embolisation and chemical pneumonitis. The chest condition of this patient improved, but he subsequently died of liver failure 3 weeks later. Our cases illustrate the point that if locoregional treatment is offered as a palliative treatment, patients with hepatic vein invasion should be warned of the possible complications of massive tumour embolism, pulmonary oil embolisation, and subsequent death.