Following stroke, approximately 90% of patients experience persistent neurological motor deficits that lead to disability and handicap. Both pharmacological and physical treatment strategies for motor rehabilitation may be considered. In terms of pharmacological treatment, drugs that may potentially promote motor recovery when added to a regimen of physical therapy include the stimulants amphetamine and methylphenidate, as well as levodopa and fluoxetine. Botulinum toxin A has proven effective and well tolerated in several placebo-controlled trials for the treatment of focal upper and lower limb spasticity, although it has not been shown to improve motor function. The focal injection of botulinum toxin A inhibits the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft, resulting in a reversible paresis of the muscles relevant for the spastic deformity. Other drugs, such as benzodiazepines, antiepileptic drugs and antipsychotics, may have detrimental effects on motor function and should be avoided, if possible. With respect to physical strategies, modern concepts of motor learning favour a task-specific repetitive approach that induces skill-acquisition relevant to the patient's daily life. Constrained-induced movement therapy based on the concept of learned non-use, electromyography-triggered electrical stimulation of the wrist muscles, robot-assisted motor rehabilitation to increase therapy intensity and bilateral practice to facilitate the movement of the paretic extremity are examples in upper limb rehabilitation. Lower limb rehabilitation has been enriched by treadmill training with partial bodyweight support, enabling the practice of up to 1000 steps per session; automated gait rehabilitation to relieve the strenuous effort required of the therapist; and rhythmic auditory stimulation, applying individually adjusted music to improve walking speed and symmetry.