Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. is restricted in Europe to the British Isles, where it is recognised as a conservation priority species due to frequent extirpation of populations along with no evidence of seed set; vegetative reproduction has been invoked as the sole means of perpetuation and dispersal. To investigate the reproductive ecology of this species, 17 populations have been sampled for chloroplast microsatellites and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). These markers revealed a previously unsuspected genetic-geographic split in the species, which correlates with differences in patterns of within-population variation. Northern populations were fixed for one chloroplast haplotype but showed high levels of AFLP genotypic diversity consistent with sexual reproduction (proportion of genotypes distinguishable, PD = 0.98). More southerly populations showed fixed differences from the northern populations in their chloroplast haplotype and for 10 AFLP markers. They harboured only 12 unique multilocus genotypes among 113 individuals from six populations (PD = 0.11). These genotypes differed mostly by single bands, and none by more than 4/138 loci, with identical multilocus genotypes occurring in widely separated populations. This uniformity in southern populations is consistent with agamospermous or autogamous reproduction, and/or an extreme population bottleneck. Finally, the observed patterns of population differentiation in S. romanzoffiana are compared with other studies of orchids, revealing a wide range of values that belie recent contrasting published generalisations that claim that orchids show either higher, or lower, levels of population differentiation than other plant families.