A pipeline has been created for the characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants by generating flanking sequence tags (FSTs) and optimized for economic, high-throughput production. The GABI-Kat collection of T-DNA mutagenized A. thaliana plants was used as a source of independent transgenic lines. The pipeline included robotized extraction of genomic DNA in a 96-well format, an adapter-ligation PCR method for amplification of plant sequences adjacent to T-DNA borders, automated purification and sequencing of PCR products, and computational trimming of the resulting sequence files. Data quality was significantly improved by (i) restriction digestion of the adaptor-ligation products to reduce trivial sequences caused by co-amplification of fragments derived from the free plasmid, and (ii) the design of the adaptor primers for the second amplification step to enhance selective generation of single PCR fragments, even from lines with multiple T-DNA insertions. Gel-purification was avoided by including these steps, the number of amplification reactions per line was reduced from four to three, and the percentage of lines that yielded at least one FST was increased from 66% to 86%. More than 58,000 FSTs have been submitted to GenBank and are available at http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/GABI-Kat/.