Solutions of complete jump relations at discontinuities in a two-and-half-dimensional reconnection model

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2003 Oct;68(4 Pt 2):046405. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.046405. Epub 2003 Oct 22.


We present an analytic solution of the complete set of jump relations at the rotational discontinuity and the slow-mode shock in a two-and-half-dimensional (2 1/2D) symmetric reconnection model. The solution is used for analyzing the outflow jet characteristics in dependence on the speed and the incidence angle of the inflowing plasma, for a given shear of the inflow magnetic field. It is found that the magnetosonic Mach number of the outflow depends significantly on the incidence angle, the effect being more prominent at larger reconnection rates. The compression increases weakly with increasing reconnection rate. Dynamical changes in the flow/field geometry are found in the transition to the 2D regime: In the region between the rotational discontinuity and the slow-mode shock the direction of flow and the magnetic field become extremely sensitive to the degree of the magnetic field shear in the inflow. Implications for evolutionary systems such as solar flares are discussed.