To investigate the hypothesis that in multilingual speakers different languages are represented in distinct brain regions, 12 multilingual right-handed men performed a word fluency task, a picture naming task, a comprehension reading task, and their respective control tasks in three languages (Dutch, French, and English) while whole-head functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was applied. In general, all language tasks revealed predominantly overlapping regions of activation for the different languages. Cerebral activation during use of the foreign languages showed a tendency toward a more extensive recruitment of the areas activated in the native language and the activation of a greater number of regions. Word generation in the foreign languages elicited additional bilateral inferior frontal activation, including Broca's area and left middle temporal gyrus activation; in the native language, additional postcentral activation was found. Picture naming in the foreign languages recruited additional inferior-lateral and medial frontal regions predominantly on the left, and more posterior right hemispheric activation in the mother tongue. During comprehension reading there was more activation in medial posterior regions in the native language. Our results suggest that the performance of language tasks in different languages engages largely the same cerebral areas but that the brain, to perform at a comparable proficiency level, engages more neural substrates for later acquired languages. Our findings do not support the view that languages learned later in life entail more right hemispheric involvement. Finally, a consequent effect of language exposure was found for reading, where increased familiarity engages more occipital activation whereas decreased familiarity appears to be associated with increased left hemispheric inferior frontal activation.