In most medical and environmental applications of biosensors, only single analytes are determined. However, the monitoring of several analytes is obviously preferable in order to gather more information about the sample under analysis. In line with this, different technologies are being developed to obtain multi-analyte sensors. In this paper, an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of three different contaminants-atrazine, isoproturon, and estrone-in natural waters by using an optical immunosensor prototype, the so-called "RIver ANAlyser" (RIANA), is described. RIANA is based on a rapid solid-phase fluoroimmunoassay that takes place at an optical transducer chip. The transducer surface is chemically modified with three analytes derivatives placed in different discrete locations. The sensor surface can be regenerated thus allowing the performance of several measurements with the same transducer. Each test cycle, including one regeneration step, is accomplished in 15 min. Detection limits achieved were 0.155, 0.046, and 0.084 microg/l, for atrazine, isoproturon, and estrone, respectively. Satisfactory repetition, with relative standard deviations between 1.06 and 6.98%, was obtained. Excluding a minor non-specifical binding of the isoproturon antibodies, no cross-reactivity effects were observed. Matrix effects were significant only in the case of wastewater samples. Biosensor measurements were validated using conventional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results obtained with both techniques were in good agreement.