Exon 1 polymorphism of the androgen receptor (AR) gene is characterized by a (CAG)n(CAA) repeat at position 172 following the translation start codon. The aim of this study was to determine whether AR gene exon 1 polymorphism could be used to perform prenatal diagnosis in high risk families with complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. After enzymatic amplification of a 1 kilobase exon 1 fragment, each DNA was simultaneously digested by MspI and PstI restriction enzymes. After electrophoresis on a 15% electrophoresis on a 15% acrylamide gel or a 6% Nusieve gel, we measured the size of the obtained fragments and determined the number of CAG repeats since a 282 basepair fragment corresponds to 21 CAG. We previously showed that the number of CAG repeats within the AR gene exon 1 in 23 families with complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome was 19 +/- 4. By this method, we detected heterozygosity in 50% of the mothers. We present here 2 exclusion prenatal diagnoses using exon 1 polymorphism of the AR gene. Family A presented a boy with a severe form of partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. The mother had 2 uncles with ambiguous genitalia. In family B, the affected child had a complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. In both families, analysis of the AR gene exon 1 polymorphism of the trophoblastic DNA showed the presence of the normal maternal X chromosome. The parents decided to carry on the gestation. In family A, the newborn had normal male external genitalia. In family B, sonography confirmed the presence of normal male external genitalia. These data suggest that exon 1 polymorphism of the AR gene could be prenatally used to predict androgen insensitivity syndrome.