Studies establishing that intermittent subcutaneous interleukin-2 (IL-2) therapy can lead to substantial CD4 cell increases in many HIV-infected patients have generally been of limited duration. We studied 77 patients participating in active longitudinal studies of subcutaneous IL-2 therapy at our center in order to determine the long-term feasibility of this approach. Following initial induction, patients in each trial were eligible to receive intermittent 5-day cycles of subcutaneous IL-2 treatment at individualized doses and frequencies capable of maintaining CD4 counts at postinduction levels. The mean duration of study participation to date is 5.9 years (range, 1.0-9.3 years). Mean baseline CD4 cell count and CD4 percent values of 0.521 x 10(9)/L (521 cells/microL) and 27% have risen to 1.005 x 10(9)/L (1005 cells/microL) and 38%, respectively, at 90 months. The mean number of subcutaneous IL-2 cycles required to achieve and maintain these increases was 10 cycles (range, 3-29 cycles), and the current mean interval of cycling required to maintain these elevations is 39 months (median, 35 months; range, 2-91 months). We conclude that subcutaneous IL-2 therapy is capable of maintaining CD4 cell increases for an extended period using a remarkably low frequency of intermittent cycling. These observations may contribute to patients' acceptance of subcutaneous IL-2 as a favorable long-term treatment strategy.