Objective: To perform a preliminary evaluation of a questionnaire designed to assess functional outcomes of treatment for aphasia.
Methods: The Functional Outcome Questionnaire for Aphasia (FOQ-A) is an inventory consisting of 32 caregiver-completed items rating the person with stroke's ability to perform various communication behaviors on a 5-point scale. The total score for the FOQ-A is reported as a mean of all completed items. The FOQ-A was administered by research assistants to caregivers of patients with left hemisphere stroke (n = 18).
Results: The FOQ-A showed acceptable initial reliability and validity properties. As predicted, the FOQ-A displayed high positive correlations with standardized functional communication measures. The FOQ-A also showed only weak associations with other measures (health-related quality of life, caregiver strain).
Conclusions: Overall results of our preliminary psychometric examination of the FOQ-A were promising. The findings suggested that the FOQ-A may be a sensitive measure of functional communication abilities and does not appear to be biased heavily by caregiver strain. Plans for further evaluation of the FOQ-A are discussed.