A total of 55 pancreatic pseudocysts in 45 patients with acute pancreatitis were managed between 1980 and 1990. Six patients were managed conservatively with resolution of pseudocysts in 5 patients. All pancreatic pseudocysts that disappeared were smaller than 35 mm. CT or ultrasound-guided aspiration were performed in 26 patients with a morbidity rate of 5%. Nine among 21 patients (42%) who were initially treated by percutaneous puncture were definitively cured: all pseudocysts were smaller than 55 mm. Nine patients were managed by long-term percutaneous drainage: 3 minor complications occurred and in 7 patients, no other treatment was necessary even for large pseudocysts. Endoscopic cystoenterostomy was performed in 12 patients. Only 15 pseudocysts (27%) bulged into the digestive wall, mainly of the stomach. Three complications (following 2 cystogastrostomies) occurred and one patient died after endoscopic cystogastrostomy. In 7 patients (58%), no other treatment was necessary even for large pancreatic pseudocysts. Surgery was required in 13 patients but only 4 patients underwent surgery as primary treatment. One major complication occurred and one patient died. Percutaneous drainage and endoscopic cystoenterostomy when technically feasible, are effective treatments of pancreatic pseudocysts complicating acute pancreatitis.