A perfluorocarbon emulsion [formulation containing 90% wt/vol perflubron (perfluorooctylbromide); Alliance Pharmaceutical] was used to increase O2 solubility in the plasma compartment during hyperoxic low hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) perfusion of a maximally working dog muscle in situ. Our hypothesis was that the increased plasma O2 solubility would increase the muscle O2 diffusing capacity (DO2) by augmenting the capillary surface area in contact with high [O2]. Oxygen uptake (VO2) was measured in isolated in situ canine gastrocnemius (n = 4) while working for 6 min at a maximal stimulation rate of 1 Hz (isometric tetanic contractions) on three to four separate occasions for each muscle. On each occasion, the last 4 min of the 6-min work period was split into 2 min of a control treatment (only emulsifying agent mixed into blood) and 2 min of perflubron treatment (6 g/kg body wt), reversing the order for each subsequent work bout. Before contractions, the [Hb] of the dog was decreased to 8-9 g/100 ml and arterial PO2 was increased to 500-600 Torr by having the dog breathe 100% O2 to maximize the effect of the perflubron. Muscle blood flow was held constant between the two experimental conditions. Plasma O2 solubility was almost doubled to 0.005 ml O2 x 100 ml blood-1 x Torr-1 by the addition of the perflubron. Muscle O2 delivery and maximal VO2 were significantly improved (at the same blood flow and [Hb]) by 11 and 12.6%, respectively (P < 0.05), during the perflubron treatment compared with the control. O2 extraction by the muscle remained the same between the two treatments, as did the estimate of DO2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)