Brain-type creatine kinases B-CK (cytosolic) and UbCKmit (mitochondrial) are considered important for the maintenance and distribution of cellular energy in the central nervous system. Previously, we have demonstrated an abnormal behavioral phenotype in mice lacking the B-CK creatine kinase isoform, regarding exploration, habituation, seizure susceptibility and spatial learning. The phenotype in these mice was associated with histological adaptations in the hippocampal mossy fiber field size. Here, mice lacking the ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase isoform (UbCKmit-/- mice) showed, when subjected to a similar battery of behavioral tasks, diminished open field habituation and slower spatial learning acquisition in the Morris water maze task, but normal sensory or motor functions. A reduced acoustic startle response, higher threshold, and lack of prepulse inhibition were observed in UbCKmit-/- mice, suggesting that the unconditioned reflexive responsiveness is not optimal. Our findings suggest a role for mitochondrial CK-mediated high-energy phosphoryl transfer in synaptic signalling in the acoustic signal response network and hippocampal-dependent learning circuitry of brain. Finally, we demonstrate that UbCKmit has a widespread occurrence in the cell soma of neuronal nuclei along the rostro-caudal axis of the brain, i.e. cortex, midbrain, hindbrain, cerebellum and brainstem, similar to the occurrence of B-CK. This may explain the similarity of phenotypes in mice lacking B-CK or UbCKmit. We predict that the remaining functional intactness of the cytosolic B-CK reaction and perhaps the compensatory role of other phosphoryl transfer systems are sufficient to sustain the energy requirements for basic sensory, motor and physiological activities in UbCKmit-/- mice.