A novel mechanism of H0 and strangelet production in hadronic interactions within the Gribov-Regge approach is presented. In this approach the H0 is produced by the same mechanism as usual hadrons, namely, by disintegration of the remnant formed by the exchange of pomerons between the two protons. Rapidity and transverse momentum spectra of the observed hadrons are well described in this approach. In contrast to traditional distillation approaches, here the production of multiple (strange) quark bags does not require large baryon densities or a quark gluon plasma. We calculate the rapidity and transverse momentum distributions as well as the 4pi multiplicity of the H0 for sqrt[s]=17 GeV (Super Proton Synchrotron) and 200 GeV (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider). In both cases the H0, if it exists, should be observable by the present experiments.