The reactions of OH* or SO4*- radicals with carboxymethyl chitin (CM-chitin) and its deacetylated product, carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan), were investigated in aqueous solutions using a laser photolysis technique. The rate constants of the reactions of OH* and SO4*- radicals with CM-chitosan are always higher than those for CM-chitin, indicating that the amino-group could increase the reactivity of carboxymethylated chitin derivatives. The rate of the reactions of CM-chitin and CM-chitosan with OH* radical was found to decrease at lower pH when polymers chains tend to the coiled conformation. In comparison, the rate constant of the reaction of SO4*- radicals with CM-chitin or CM-chitosan decreased with pH, indicating that CM-chitin or CM-chitosan has a higher reactivity with the SO4*- radical at low pH due to the protonation of the amino group.