Purpose: To report that iopamidol myelography can induce status epilepticus (SE) in patients carrying the diagnosis of symptomatic epilepsy and to estimate the incidence of seizures in patients undergoing iopamidol myelography.
Methods: We retrospectively identified all patients with seizures/SE associated with 1350 iopamidol myelographies during the last 5 years at our institution. The impact of cervical versus lumbar myelography was analysed.
Results: Induced by iopamidol myelography two non-epileptic patients suffered from first generalised tonic-clonic seizures and a 67-year-old women with symptomatic epilepsy after a remote ischemic stroke developed a generalised tonic-clonic seizure evolving into a dialeptic and right nystagmus SE (i.e. complex focal status) of 5-hour duration. The incidence of seizures in non-epileptic patients was 0.15%. The incidence of seizure induction for lumbar myelography was lower than for myelographies that included the cervical subarachnoid space.
Conclusions: Iopamidol myelography (especially if cervical) is associated with a risk of seizures in non-epileptic individuals and can induce SE in patients with epilepsy. Patients should be informed about the risk of seizure induction.