Objective: To assess the efficacy and the tolerability of flutamide as adjuvant treatment after radical prostatectomy for locally advanced, lymph node-negative prostate cancer.
Methods: Men with locally advanced, lymph node-negative prostate cancer were randomized after radical prostatectomy to receive either flutamide 750mg daily or no adjuvant treatment. Recurrence-free and overall survival were the study end points. Recurrence was defined as a PSA value greater than 5ng/ml or two values greater than 2ng/ml more than three months apart with increasing tendency or three values greater than 1ng/ml more than three months apart with increasing tendency or any clinical recurrence.
Results: 309 patients (157 in the control arm and 152 in the flutamide arm) were eligible for efficacy analysis. The median follow-up was 6.1 years. Recurrence-free survival was better in the flutamide group ( P=0.0041), there was, however, no detectable difference in overall survival ( p=0.92 ). Moreover, there was a considerable toxicity reported in the flutamide group.
Conclusion: Although having some effect on disease recurrence, adjuvant flutamide treatment does not improve median-term overall survival after radical prostatectomy for locally advanced, lymph node-negative prostate cancer.